National Down Syndrome Congress commends new U.S. Department of Education Transition Guidance

National Down Syndrome Congress commends new U.S. Department of Education Transition Guidance

The National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) applauds the release of new U. S. Department of Education guidance, Coordinating Transition Services and Postsecondary Access, that clarifies that vocational rehabilitation (VR) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds may be used to support students with intellectual disability (ID) enrolled in Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with ID (CTPs). These programs provide academic, social and independent living, and career education and training at community colleges, colleges and universities. 

NDSC Policy & Advocacy Co-Director, Stephanie Smith Lee, stated, “This is a significant step forward and we deeply appreciate the Department releasing this guidance on an issue individuals with Down syndrome and their families have championed for many years. VR and IDEA funding will open doors for students with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities to access inclusive programs that pave the way to employment and community living.”

NDSC has led a years-long effort to encourage the department to issue clear guidance. The 2018 Addressing the Policy Tangle report co-authored by Lee, Madeleine Will, and Denise Rozell of AUCD, led to guidance in 2020. However questions still remained in the field. This new guidance makes it very clear that VR funds may be used to support students with disabilities in CTPs. The guidance also provides information about the conditions under which IDEA funds may be used, such as in dual enrollment programs.

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