About NDSC

Board Nomination Process

Thank you for your interest in NDSC Board service. The NDSC Board is a collegial group with a family feel. Like any Board of Directors, ours directs policy and has fiduciary oversight. However, unlike many boards, ours is a “working” group that is heavily involved in the successful operation of the organization. This responsibility can be time-consuming, but is also highly rewarding. Board nominations are due by May 1, 2025.

Board Member Responsibilities

  • Be a member in good standing of the NDSC.
  • Participate as an active member of NDSC committee(s).
  • Within first term, chair a committee (include coordination of committee activities throughout the year, preparation of reports to the Board, development of responses to the membership on matters within committee purview).
  • Personally assume responsibility for paying all expenses related to Board membership (e.g. travel expenses to attend Board meetings; incidental telephone and postage expenses; convention registration).
  • Attend all Board meetings (a minimum of two meetings per year for the full Board). Executive Committee members participate in monthly conference calls.
  • Contribute to annual fundraising appeal and other special efforts, if any.
  • The Board and its directors hold a fiduciary trust to see that the organization functions properly.
  1. Duty of Care
    – Act as an ordinary, prudent person would in a similar circumstance. This requires diligent, attentive, informed participation.
  2. Duty of Loyalty
    – Act in good faith, in the best interests of the organization. Duty of loyalty imposes procedural safeguards and standards of substantive fairness in situations where there is a conflict of interest; when there is a director on both sides of a transaction, or when the director and the organization are in competition on one side of a transaction.
  3. Duty of Obedience
    – Act to ensure the organization operates in keeping with the laws and rules governing its formation and status and in accordance with its own bylaws and mission.

Makeup of the Board Membership

The NDSC seeks wide representation in its Board membership and considers factors such as geographical representation, age of family member(s) with Down syndrome, parent/professional status, areas of expertise, ethnic representation, local affiliate experience, and prior experience on non-profit boards. NDSC members are encouraged to be active committee members and to attend a Board meeting prior to being nominated to the Board.

Terms of Office

The NDSC is governed by a board of up to 21 directors. Each director is elected to serve a three year term or the remainder of an unexpired term, if there is a vacancy. Directors may serve for up to three consecutive terms (maximum of nine years). There is an exception for a term extension so that an individual may serve a full 3 years as President and then serve as immediate Past President.

Mission Statement

The mission of the National Down Syndrome Congress is to provide information, advocacy and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome.

Vision Statement

The vision of the National Down Syndrome Congress is a world with equal rights and opportunities for people with Down syndrome.

Purpose Statement

It is the purpose of the National Down Syndrome Congress to create a national climate in which all people will recognize and embrace the value and dignity of persons with Down syndrome.

That purpose is enhanced by the commitment of the NDSC to:

  • Promote the availability of and accessibility to a full range of opportunities and/or resources that meet individual and family needs.
  • Build a sense of community and fellowship for all persons concerned with Down syndrome.
  • Provide leadership in the formation of public policy.
  • Encourage ethically responsible research related to all aspects of Down syndrome.
  • Educate professionals, parents and community in all aspects relating to Down syndrome.
  • Foster self-advocacy and acknowledge the importance of self-actualization for persons with Down syndrome.
  • Recognize and advance the full range of rights of all persons with Down syndrome.
  • Promote full participation of persons with Down syndrome in all aspects of community life.
  • Recognize the variability of personal needs and respect individual choices.
  • Promote policies and practices that sustain cultural and linguistic competency.
  • Develop and disseminate position statements on major issues related to Down syndrome.
  • Provide a network for linking of state and local groups and affiliates.
  • Foster and enhance relationships with the NDSC community and the broader disability community

Nominating Process

  • Any member in good standing of the NDSC is eligible for nomination to the Board of Directors.
  • Self-nominations as well as nominations by third parties are accepted (provided the third party has secured the consent of the nominee).
  • As required in the NDSC By-Laws, the Nominating Committee is made up of the Immediate Past President (Chair), two current Board members, and two persons from the general membership.
  • The Nominating Committee convenes to review applications and to prepare a slate of candidates for presentation at the annual General Membership Meeting held in conjunction with the NDSC Annual Convention.
  • After the presentation of the slate of candidates from the Nominating Committee, nominations from the floor are allowed.
  • The Board of Directors, including newly elected Board members, convenes immediately following the General Membership meeting to elect its officers (Executive Committee).
  • Each year a self-advocate is elected, through a separate parallel process, by his or her peers.

Nomination Form

Additional Information

Contact : info@ndsccenter.org with any questions