Workshop Recordings
Convention Recordings
Purchase access to workshop recordings for convention years 2017 and 2018, and for 2019.
Fast Pass
$12912 months
- Online Streaming
- *Complimentary with General Conference registration
Season Pass
$15912 months
- Online Streaming
- Download Ability
USB Works
$19912 months
- Online Streaming
- Download Ability
- Loaded USB Flash Drive
About Workshop Recordings
- Each year NDSC records a selection of general convention workshops and the plenary session.
- Recordings are audio synced to the presenters’ PowerPoint, if one is used.
- Not all workshops are recorded. Speakers may opt out of recording.
- Recordings are hosted for NDSC by PlaybackNow, Inc.
Purchasing Access to Recordings
- Recordings are packaged by convention year.
- Current year conference recordings are included with current year convention registration. One access account for a Fast Pass is provided to the account holder of a registration that includes at least one general convention attendee.
- Pre-convention Discounts to Season Pass and USB works for the current convention year are provided to convention attendees during convention registration, and to those unable to attend the convention the month prior to the convention.
- Purchase access to recordings by going to PlaybackNow, Inc.
Accessing the Recordings
- For access included with convention registration – the account holder should go to PlaybackNow, Inc. and Activate your account. You will need the email address and conference reg code associated with your registration. An email regarding activation instructions is also sent to the account holder email just prior to the convention.
- If you already have an account or have activated your new account, log in at PlaybackNow, Inc. using your email and password. If you forgot your password the log in page includes a “Forgot Password” reset function.
For questions please contact