Convention From Your Couch Week 3

Week 3 May 25 – 31
Each week during Convention From Your Couch we are offering registered attendees 3-4 new workshops in a webinar format. If you haven’t registered yet, you can still view all the Convention From Your Couch workshop recordings. Register today and get access to a private viewing channel through June 30!
Starting in June, we will kick-off Youth & Adult workshops, spotlights, and of course, the talent show! There will also be sessions just for siblings in a virtual Brothers & Sisters Conference, along with the opportunity to attend Sharing Sessions designed for your individual ages and stages.
June 1 DEADLINE – All Convention From Your Couch t-shirt orders are due by June 1. Don’t miss the opportunity to get this limited edition, collectors t-shirt! If you didn’t order during registration you can go back to the registration and re-submit the registration form – don’t register again, just select your shirts and pay by credit card.
You can be an NDSC partner when you participate in our peer-to-peer fundraising challenge – it’s easy to get in on the FUNdraising and you will be helping NDSC continue to bring quality programs and resources to the families and professionals that we serve. For more information and to see how you can get started visit the NDSC Peer-to-Peer FUNdraising page.
Spend the day with us on Jue 27 when we wrap-up Convention From Your Couch with a jam-packed virtual event, that will include the NDSC Advocacy Training Boot Camp; a General Membership Meeting; Awards Presentation; Plenary with Keynote speaker, Zack Gottsagen; and a Zoom 321 Dance Party. Make plans to join us!
Take a scroll through our Virtual Exhibit Hall to learn more about our sponsors and virtual exhibitors.
What people are saying …
“Thank you! This presentation was exceptional! Well organized, well paced, great delivery!!”
“Appreciate the accessibility of the options for the conference as there is much demand for my laptop at home these days!”
“This [Dennis Mcguire’s] workshop was very informative and insightful! It helped me to better understand the way my son’s brain works.”
Coming in Week 3 – May 25 – 31
All times are listed as Eastern Time
*Deep Dive Sessions
May 26, 2020 – 1:00 PM
I Want a Boyfriend (or Girlfriend)! Supporting Healthy Dating Relationships
Terri Couwenhoven, M.S., AASECT-certified sexuality educator, Clinic Coordinator for the Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, daughter with DS, Port Washington, WI
The need for intimacy and meaningful connections with others is part of the human condition. People with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities have similar needs for intimacy, but often encounter a unique set of barriers as they enter the world of dating. In this workshop, common issues and obstacles experienced by individuals with intellectual disabilities will be explored, helpful roles for parents/support providers, and strategies for supporting individuals interested in dating.
May 26, 2020 – 3:00 PM
The NDSC and Me
Kate Doughtery, NDSC Board VP, President & Founder of Down Country, son with DS, Taylor, MO, and Shauntel Neal-Howe, NDSC Board VP, daughter with DS, Smyrna, GA
This session aims to help you understand who the NDSC is and what the organization can do for families and communities (especially those living in rural and/or underserved areas). Told through the testimonials of Kate & Shauntel, they will share their journeys and stories of what the NDSC does, how the NDSC has personally affected their families & communities, and how NDSC can continue to help yours too!
May 27, 2020 – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Deep Dive – There’s No Place Like Home for Sexuality Education: Supporting Healthy Sexuality Throughout the Lifespan
Terri Couwenhoven, M.S., AASECT-certified sexuality educator, Clinic Coordinator for the Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, daughter with DS, Port Washington, WI
Parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children, but research indicates parents often want and need considerable help and support in this role. This Deep Dive session is designed to help parents understand the critical role they play in helping their sons and daughters with Down syndrome become sexually healthy adults.
May 28, 2020 – 5:00 PM
Tips and Tools for Online Learning
Sean Smith, Ph.D., NDSC Board Member, Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas, son with DS, Lawrence, KS
This session will focus on succeeding in online and distance learning. Participants will learn about ways both parents and educators can collaborate to support the needs of our learners, design for the new normal, determine student success, and extend ways to engage our students. Digital tools, strategies, and effective practices will be discussed to assist in planning for the fall fully online or blended learning experience.
In Case You Missed It – A Recap of Deep Dive Sessions and Workshops Offered in the Week 2 – May 18 – 24
Behavior News You Can Use – Stacy Taylor, MA, BCBA, Owner, Advance Behavior & Learning. During this Deep Dive session, Stacy Taylor tips on prevention, effective consequences, and the science to learning and behavior that can help parents learn better address any behavioral concerns no matter what age or stage their child is in. Attendees learned about new tools to add to their behavior toolbox.
Early Intervention Strategies and Supports – Stacy Taylor, MA, BCBA, Owner, Advance Behavior & Learning – This workshop was designed for families who have infants and toddlers with a disability. Many parents are often confused about how to best promote early learning and development at home. Learn about strategies that early interventionists use so you can help get your little one off to a great start.
Ten Basic Financial Steps for Special Needs Caregivers – Kelly Piacenti, MA, Assistant Vice President, MassMutual SpecialCare, Somerset, NJ – This workshop discussed ten basic steps to help caregivers get started in preparing for the financial future of their dependent with special needs including applying for government benefits such as Social Security and Medicaid, creating a special needs trust, the importance of a will and considering a Letter of Intent.
Ditching the Diapers: How to Move Forward with Toileting –Terry Katz, Ph.D., Psychologist, Children’s Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine -This presentation covers issues related to toileting. Terry discussed the challenges involved in toilet training children with special needs, ways to teach this important skill, and reviewed useful and practical strategies.
It is Not Too Late to Register for Convention From Your Couch
All registered Convention From Your Couch attendees can access the recorded workshops through June 30! For just $49 you get access to more than 6 weeks of workshops, Youth & Adult and Brother & Sister programming, social activities, the opportunity to participate in Deep Dive sessions with world-renowned experts, and attend the highly acclaimed NDSC Advocacy Training Boot Camp. For more information about Convention From Your Couch and to see a complete list of workshops visit our website.
NDSC Advocacy Training Boot Camp
Aimed at beginner advocates this two-hour LIVE session, to be held on Saturday, June 27, from 1:00 PM ET – 3:00 PM ET will feature presentations from effective self-advocates, parent advocates, and the expert NDSC Policy & Advocacy Team. Learn what advocacy is, the basics of the legislative process, how to engage and build relationships with elected officials, and how to utilize social media in your advocacy efforts. You will also receive other important resources and tips all from the comfort of your own home. This is a FREE event for all Convention From Your Couch registrants.
Click below to hear more about the NDSC Advocacy Training Boot Camp from the experts and presenters
More About Deep Dive Sessions
Attending a Deep Dive session gives you the chance to spend three hours with an expert intensively focused on one specific topic. These sessions, presented by nationally known speakers, are structured to include content that is research-based, share best practices, and provide proven “how-to” strategies. All sessions will include time for Q&A.
Deep Dive Sessions are NOT included in your Convention From Your Couch registration, they are an Add-On. They will NOT be recorded, so you must attend the live session(s) as scheduled. You may however, register to attend more than one Deep Dive Session during Convention From Your Couch. Deep Dive Sessions are priced at $19 each.
To see the complete list of Deep Dive sessions visit the NDSC Deep Dive Sessions website page.
We miss seeing everyone in person and hope that you will make plans to attend the
2021 Annual NDSC Convention in Phoenix, AZ, July 8-11
Thank you to all of the 2020 NDSC Convention From Your Couch Sponsors